Cipherpoint Limited (ASX:CPT) (Cipherpoint or the Company), Sydney, Australia Wednesday 19
August 2020 – Cipherpoint announces that it will be undertaking a partly underwritten non-
renounceable entitlement issue of one (1) new share for every two (2) existing shares held by
shareholders registered at the relevant record date (Entitlement Offer).
The Entitlement Offer will be made to eligible shareholders (being shareholders at the record date
with a registered address in Australia and New Zealand) enabling them to subscribe for new shares at
an issue price of AU$0.048 (4.8 cents) each to raise up to approximately A$2,321,000 (before costs).
The Entitlement Offer represents a 28.4% discount to the closing price on 14 August 2020 of 6.7c per
share and 17.7% discount to the 15 day VWAP of 5.8c per share.
The Company has secured a partial underwriting commitment from Viriathus Capital Pty Ltd [AFSL:
297950] for the first $1.25m of the Entitlement Offer (such that the underwriter will be relieved of its
obligation by each valid acceptance received). The underwriting is on terms and conditions usual for
transactions of that nature which will be more fully summarised in the Entitlement Offer documents.
The Company reserves the right, in consultation with the underwriter, to seek to place any shortfall
from the Entitlement Offer within 3 months after the close of the Entitlement Offer.
The net proceeds of the Entitlement Offer will be used to:
• accelerate key strategic priorities;
• take advantage of data security market tailwinds;
• invest in next generation technology;
• to consider appropriate acquisitions; and
• strengthen the balance sheet
The indicative timetable for the Entitlement Offer is set out below:
Lodgement of prospectus for the Entitlement Offer 21 August 2020
“Ex” date (existing shares quoted on an ex rights basis) 25 August 2020
Record date to identify shareholders entitled to participate in the Entitlement
Offer (Record Date) at 7:00pm (Sydney time)
26 August 2020
Prospectus dispatched to holders eligible to participate in the Entitlement Offer 31 August 2020
Closing date at 5:00pm (Sydney time) 16 September 2020
Announcement of results to ASX 18 September 2020
Proposed issue date 23 September 2020
For personal use only
©2020 Cipherpoint Limited or its affiliates
ABN 61 120 658 497
The above timetable is indicative only and is subject to change. An updated timetable will be set out
in the prospectus proposed to be issued by the Company in connection with the Entitlement Offer.
An Appendix 3B in respect of the Entitlement Offer will be released shortly following this release.
This announcement has been authorised by the Board.
About Cipherpoint
Cipherpoint empowers businesses to discover, protect and control sensitive information across
multiple platforms and repositories, including industry best security for Microsoft SharePoint. Our
customers and partners span the public sector, defence, utilities, health, logistics, finance and
Further information
For further information, please visit
Cipherpoint investor relations contacts:
Steven Bliim
Cipherpoint Limited
Chief Operating Officer, Executive Director and Joint Company Secretary
+61 2 8412 8200
+49 152 3625 7821
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